Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Nanna/Nanny !!!

Happy Birthday Mom we love you so much! Thanks for all that you do - Robby & Amanda
Nana we love you so much!! Where is Papa? hahaha - Tanner & Abigail

Happy Birthday Oma Freed!!!

My Grandma Freeda celebrated her birthday on October 11th too!

Happy 30th Birthday Robby!

Robby I cant believe I am married to a 30 year old man!! LOL I love you sweetie Happy Birthday!! Daddy we love you - Tanner & Abigail

Robby's Happy 30th Birthday Slideshow

Happy 1st Birthday Abigail !!

Oh my goodness little girl we can't believe your one already!! Daddy & Mommy love you so much Abigail !!! I love you to sis - Tanner Bean
Abigail's Birthday Invitations

Look what Abigail did on her Birthday!!

No ! No ! Abigail..... umm well maybe we will laugh and let it slide since it's your Birthday!

Abigail's 1st Party Slideshow!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oak Glenn 2008

Last weekend we took a trip to Oak Glenn, which is known for their apples!!
The weather was kind of warm but the kids had fun, and the boys had fun eating and sampling everything!!
My cousin Ryan' s daughter Alyssa
Alyssa & Tanner
Robby and I
Baby Abby
Ryan, Alyssa, Robby, Tanner & Chris (somewhere)

Papa & Nanny's visit 09-07-08

Here are some photos from Ernie & Lolly's visit last month.